

verb \ˈtəch\

: to put your hand, fingers, etc., on someone or something

: to be in contact with (something)

: to change or move (something)

Full Definition of TOUCH

transitive verb
:  to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense :  handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate <loved to touch the soft silk>
:  to strike or push lightly especially with the hand or foot or an implement
:  to lay hands upon (one afflicted with scrofula) with intent to heal
a :  to play on (a stringed instrument)
b :  to perform (a melody) by playing or singing
a :  to take into the hands or mouth <never touches alcohol>
b :  to put hands upon in any way or degree <don't touch anything before the police come>; especially :  to commit violence upon <swears he never touched the child>
:  to deal with :  become involved with <a sticky situation and I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole>
:  to induce to give or lend <touched him for ten dollars>
:  to cause to be briefly in contact or conjunction with something <touched her spurs to the horse> <touched his hand to his hat>
a (1) :  to meet without overlapping or penetrating :  adjoin (2) :  to get to :  reach <the speedometer needle touched 80>
b :  to be tangent to
c :  to rival in quality or value <nothing can touch that cloth for durability>
:  to speak or tell of especially in passing <barely touched the incident in the speech>
a :  to relate to :  concern
b :  to have an influence on :  affect
a :  to leave a mark or impression on <few reagents will touch gold>; also :  tinge
b :  to harm slightly by or as if by contact :  taint, blemish <fruit touched by frost>
c :  to give a delicate tint, line, or expression to <a smile touched her lips>
d :  to get a hit off or score a run against <touched him for three runs>
:  to draw or delineate with light strokes
a :  to hurt the feelings of :  wound
b :  to move to sympathetic feeling
intransitive verb
a :  to feel something with a body part (as the hand or foot)
b :  to lay hand or finger on a person to cure disease (as scrofula)
:  to be in contact
:  to come close :  verge <your actions touch on treason>
:  to have a bearing :  relate —used with on or upon
a :  to make a brief or incidental stop on shore during a trip by water <touched at several ports>
b :  to treat a topic in a brief or casual manner —used with on or upon <touched upon many points>
touch·able \ˈtə-chə-bəl\ adjective
touch·er noun
touch base
:  to come in contact or communication <coming in from the cold to touch base with civilization — Carla Hunt>

Origin of TOUCH

Middle English, from Anglo-French tucher, tuchier, from Vulgar Latin *toccare to knock, strike a bell, touch, probably of imitative origin
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of TOUCH

affect, influence, touch, impress, strike, sway mean to produce or have an effect upon. affect implies the action of a stimulus that can produce a response or reaction <the sight affected her to tears>. influence implies a force that brings about a change (as in nature or behavior) <our beliefs are influenced by our upbringing>. touch may carry a vivid suggestion of close contact and may connote stirring, arousing, or harming <plants touched by frost> <his emotions were touched by her distress>. impress stresses the depth and persistence of the effect <only one of the plans impressed him>. strike, similar to but weaker than impress, may convey the notion of sudden sharp perception or appreciation <struck by the solemnity of the occasion>. sway implies the acting of influences that are not resisted or are irresistible, with resulting change in character or course of action <politicians who are swayed by popular opinion>.



: the act of touching someone or something

: the ability to be aware of something physical by touching it : the sense that allows you to feel physical things

: the quality of a thing that is experienced by feeling or touching it

Full Definition of TOUCH

a :  a light stroke, tap, or push
b :  a hit against an opponent in fencing
:  the act or fact of touching; also :  the act or an instance of handling or controlling a ball (as in basketball or soccer)
:  the special sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin or mucous membrane is perceived
:  mental or moral sensitiveness, responsiveness, or tact <has a wonderful touch with children>
:  a specified sensation that arises in response to stimulation of the tactile receptors :  feel <the velvety touch of velour>
a archaic :  the act of rubbing gold or silver on a touchstone to test its quality
b :  test, trial —used chiefly in the phrase put to the touch
a :  a visible effect :  mark <a touch of the tropical sun>
b :  weakness, defect
:  something slight of its kind: as
a :  a light attack <a touch of fever>
b :  a small quantity or indication :  hint <a touch of spring in the air>
c :  a transient emotion <a momentary touch of compunction>
d :  a near approach :  close call <beaten in the championships by a mere touch>
a archaic :  the playing of an instrument (as a lute or piano) with the fingers; also :  musical notes or strains so produced
b :  particular action of a keyboard with reference to the resistance of its keys to pressure <piano with a stiff touch>
:  control of the hands: as
a :  a manner or method of touching or striking especially the keys of a keyboard instrument
b :  ability to precisely control the path and speed of a shot or pass <a great shooting touch>
:  a set of changes in change ringing that is less than a peal
a :  an effective and subtle detail <applies the finishing touches to the story>
b :  distinctive and often effective manner or method <the touch of a master>
c :  a characteristic or distinguishing trait or quality
slang :  an act of soliciting or getting a gift or loan
:  the state or fact of being in contact or communication or of having awareness <lost touch with her cousin> <let's keep in touch> <out of touch with modern times>
:  the area outside of the touchlines in soccer or outside of and including the touchlines in rugby <the ball went into touch>
a touch
:  somewhat, rather <aimed a touch too low and missed>

First Known Use of TOUCH

14th century
TOUCH BASE Defined for Kids


verb \ˈtəch\

Definition of TOUCH for Kids

:  to feel or handle (as with the fingers) especially so as to be aware of <I touched the rabbit's soft fur.>
:  to be or cause to be in contact with something <Lightly touch the paintbrush to your paper.>
:  to hit lightly <Be careful not to touch the walls.>
:  2harm <No one will dare to touch you.>
:  to make use of <She never touches meat.>
:  to refer to in passing <The report touched upon many topics.>
:  to affect the interest of <This matter touches all of us.>
:  to have an influence on <As a teacher, he touched many lives.>
:  to move emotionally <I was touched by your kindness.>



Definition of TOUCH for Kids

:  a light stroke or tap <Stop crying. It was only a touch and couldn't have hurt.>
:  the act or fact of touching or being touched <I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder.>
:  the sense by which light pressure on the skin is felt <The substance is soft to the touch.>
:  an impression gotten through the sense of touch <the soft touch of silk>
:  a state of contact or communication <It is important to keep in touch with friends.>
:  a small amount :  trace <a touch of humor>
:  a small detail <We put the finishing touches on the decorations.>


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